Well Ahmed came up with this challenge to post our desktop backgrounds and see what others can tell about our personalities ... well mine is a pretty boring one! Does it really show any thing?? what do you see??!!
ohh Mani, inta o ta3lee9at il mo7beta! lol just kidding..
i loved it, those 2 colors are of my favourites...
and here's what i think: it shows that u are a feminie girl, sweet, o most of the time hadya and passive, but the contrast in colors, the background color that is containing the mauve flower , is also a part of u, something deep, something emmm whats the word, different to the everyday state you are in... for ex, u're sweet on daily basis, bs if sthg crossed ur lines, u'll show them sthg else... hmm ta7'reef fi ta7'reef... looool
Its actually VERY sweet and beautiful which reflect your personality :) and the colors are of calmness and serenity :) again which i think are intertwined within you
the word tomboy is a good indicator of how we have been taught to think about things...
i mean. girls are human beings too.. and in their younger ages like young boys they too are full of energy creativity and everything else.. they wanna climb trees and be adventurous etc etc..so why shouldn't they do these things and still make claim to their femininity...
why do boys gotta hog all the exciting stuff it beats me.
AL, I tried couple of times to put Meral's picture but it came up not looking good, I think it is the resolution or quality of the pictures!! but I have lots of Meral for the screen saver :o)
Mani I love you bro..lol that is it.. what's important is that we had lots of fun and acted our ages :o)
dont know i guess Mani its cos we live in a close-minded society, that regards a girl who is active borrowing male qualities... its sad! but i was a tomboy for real, wanted to have fights, and always in baggy pants and t-shirts, believe it or not, till grade 10 i used to shop from guys' clothing departments! lool
anglo libyan, i was reading ur comment, and this thought came up, why are always parents expected to include their children everywhere and everything, its as if they dissolve into their lives, and not have one their own.. dont get my wrong, i am a female, i have those instincts, i have a baby girl on my blog as well who is my friend's sister, but u said "I expected a picture of Meral though".. is that how it becomes? u actually GIVE UP ur life?
does that mean u wanted to be IDENTIFIED as a boy?
or does it just mean that what boys did and wore just appealed to you and OTHERS indentified you as a boy?
ill wait for your answer before I know where Im heading with this
but on another note, regardless of our grievances with all culture and tradition (which usually starts as a way of making things easy then people complicate it and it ends up making life difficult) I personally reject saying things like closeminded society... as a label it brings up only resentment from a society that we live in or our deceives us into thinking that we are separate..
consider... almost EVERY SINGLE Libyan I have spoken to all my life says that over and over.. 'these closed minded libyans'.. everyone.. from their good to their rotten.. from their corrupt to their angelic.. from heir 'religious' to their '3asy'... from their doctor to the taxi and iveco driver...
its a useless term.. cause it seems that everyone in the country uses it and knows what it means and complains of 'others' who are not as open minded.. and everyone seems to have forgotten that its composed of two words.. open.. and minded...
and when its just a label.. open minded will slowly deform to man all thats 'open'...
Very deep Mani, ur analysis... but i personally don’t reject it, its a matter of opinion, and i respect yours, i personally don’t agree. and here's why, i didnot base my "label" because its a common word, and its the easiest word to be used to describe what we are in, no, its because this conclusion came through experience, and what experience do i have you might think, but every age has its conclusions. Close-minded in respect to: education, behaviour, morals, reactions, and I've unfortunately come up to see that all those mentioned traits are on a graph paper on a slope sinking below the minus sign... You are right, it is unfair to include all people as whole in this category, but dont people usually take the majority of everything? However I personally wont be offended if someone did call me close-minded as a statistic to the majority of the population, because I simply can prove I am not.everyone has got themselves to prove whether they are or they arenot, but as whole, I do say we live in a close-minded society.
As for ur 1st lines, no, boys’ clothing appealed to me, and I was a tomboy by actions, I wasn’t identified as one, no, that’s now how it was. It was just a phase that I went through…
I agree with you wholeheartedly ya Romana :). I use the 'label' too and like you I believe that we DO live in a 'closed-minded' society.. of which we all are a vital part.
My point was just on the usefulness of the term when we use it to speak to others, especially if I and other 'open-minded' people were to consider ourselves as agents of 'positive' change in our society.
we would also need to understand what we mean when we say useful..
some may find the term useful to identify themselves as separate from a closed minded society, which implicitly means superiority. It's useful here too..for one's ego... these people do not really consider themselves as agents for positive change in their society, rather personal perceived 'positive' change. but this is not a use that interests me.
what I am interested in is bringing the word 'Mind' back into the equation of 'open-mind'.
The measure of usefulnness for me is the extent to which another person (whom I consider as closed minded) and me personally (considering myself as open minded.. almost arrogantly) can both come to an undersanding of how we can truly open our minds, WITHOUT provoking the inferiority complexes and insecurities that will be the result of someone who begins to feel that they are inferior while I am superior.
its a hard struggle.. power (being superior or inferior, and its impact on the emotions and feeligs of people) is at he root of all things...
so again.. I wasn't saying that its unfair to generalise (although it is very unfair).. all i said was that if most people say it and if everyone does agree we live in a closed minded society then we are left with 2 conclusions:
- either people are mostly open minded cause they use the term and know what it means.
- or people are mostly telling fibs, and are closed minded cause they use a term which they cant comprehend a meaning for.
we have nothing to prove to anyone Ya Romana, except to Allah swt. Our reason is his claim for us and against us on judgment day.
I apologize if I gave u a negative impression its not my intent.. it does happen to me a lot with people who think that I am overgeneralizing and including them too in that generalization.. I wholeheartedly don't intend to.. it just comes from a sincere wish to forsake the personal for the sake of the bigger picture.
haha yea it is... cos when i look back now, and compare my behaviour, i say i was a tomboy, but when i said im identified as one, as in ppl didnt think i was one, i only thought i was one, lol.. but still funny!
romana, I have my kids pictures on both work & home computers and on my mobile phone.
of course parents are not expected to do that but perhaps you would understand it more once you are a mum yourself :o)
the truth parents do give up most things for the sake of their children and I only said to Maysoon I expected a pic of Meral because Maysoon is like me, always involves her child in what ever she writes but I agree with you that perhaps I should rey something different :o)
anglo Libyan, i hope i didnot offend you. all i was trying to say whether or not the mom and dad are their own individual selves as well... not just mom and dad...
i know i will be like that as well, but i was thinking to myself, am i going to forget about my in the process? am i going to be the mother, the provider, the nurturer, the wife, which is all a previledge... and i do realize that once i take the decision of getting married and having kids, i will be giving up something... but is this a human-made rule, is it a necissity? that's all...
I dont think its a necessity, its just a feeling that most parents get once they have kids, you always want the best for them and sometimes you forget yourself in the process but you always feel happy as long as the kids are happy, they come first.
I want to consider myself as someone who wants to better my country and society; i honestly care for Libya’s welfare...
i think we both have seen our share of "close-minded" and i loved this part " what I am interested in is bringing the word 'Mind' back into the equation of 'open-mind'." and u r making so much sense, as opposing to some fake self-oriented "open-minded" people, i honestly believe just as u wrote, that they are probably too consumed with the terminology of open-mindedness that they actually become oblivious to its meaning.
but an open-minded person wouldn’t call himself as such, people will identify him as one, its the close-minded ones that are hogging the word no? and again as u mentioned, it is mostly for the sole feeling of superiority… but how can they superior to something they don’t acquire?
I believe there was some sort of miscommunication; I apologize for not reading deeper in to ur words, as I thought we weren’t sharing the same concept… but apparently we’re on the same page…
I enjoyed your well-written point of view, its very rare to see someone utilizing words to their benefit the way you do…
Anglo Libyan, trust me, i totally understand... im experiencing this myself, not quite ofcourse, im the eldest of 4...i love them all very much, i want to provide for them everything, despite the fact that my parents are providing everything they ask for, but its become such an obligation, that when i don’t provide for them what they want, it kills me...
im working right now to develop myself, but also to help out my parents a little, i want them not to worry anymore, i want them to take a break...they've been providing, caring, spending, all our lives, i want to lessen their burden, Anglo Libyan i know it comes with the package, because i know the feeling of responsibility , i know how happy, no no not happy, aesthetic you get when your children are happy, same with my sisters and brother... but at the same time, it is so hectic.
the difference is the degree of obligation, they are your kids, those are my siblings, they always have my parents...im going off sooner or later…
i do understand :) thank you so much for taking your time, to share your point of view...i appreciate it very much...
I have the same desktop picture, so I believe it says GREAT things about us. :-P Beyond words even. :o)
As for the word tomboy, I'd like to know who came up with that stupid expression. Girls are girls and boys are boys regardless how they play.
I'd also like to know where the term 3rd world country came from. What happened to the 2nd world country? Does that just know have enough of a ring to it to make it valid? Does removing the term 2nd world country from the equation intensive then meaning and separation between the countries? Are we not all on the same planet? I may have missed something along the way, and for good cause. ;-)
What do i think? Honestly? I dont think it has a chance... people's minds deteriorating by the second Mani, and its just plain sad... trust me,all this from experience, i went to Nasser university, and for a moment there i thought there was a chance, that maybe education will expand their visions and thoughts, even a little, but to no avail! they're not there to learn, most are there to check out girls, cuss and curse them, or just BE! i've studied there for 4 years, and each year the level of morals is degrading, it reached and extent where one of the nubies grabbed my friend's crotch and emm, sorry for the words, breasts... how violating is that? see where i get my ideas?
I hope that some sort of awarness will brought up in schools, home, anywhere, just to let this nightmare end...
I think your question sounds more like a prayer :)
and you know who prayers are to be directed to..
from our end.. we should do all we can. at the end of the day.. I dont care much about people.. but I care a lot about Jannah..
seems to me like that would be the only reason someone could ever have will to do good, when they see life as humiliating and degrading as you saw it..
hey messo shenjaw? u know me i have to play the " devil's advocate" and disagree with everyone else who sugar coated the truth for ya! the wallpaper is simply AWFUL and u need serious intervention, to be honest im not big on flowers thats why its seems simply Awful to me lol :) bs anyways " le nas fema ya3shkon madheb"!! how is meral?
I am a daughter to my parents, im a sister to my siblngs, a friend to my friends, i will be a wife to someone, a colleague at work, a stranger to everyone else... and all are one soul, but each relationship requires a level of difference... no?
ofcourse Mani... those are the basics to my foundation, :) but i do treat each differently... the level of respect for each different, i do respect them all with different degrees,the love for my parents, is different from my love for my sisters, or my friends, or a guy for ex... i get what u're tryin to say... but i did say "level of difference"...
hehehe, y would be double standards??? some ppl dont require complete honesty with them,because the level of acquaintance isnt on the close scale... holding back info, is different from lieing... it is who u chose to tell and not to tell... and what to tell... like chosing to tell someone about my feelings, i can be honest with u, completely, and i can tell my sister the same thing, but not as much detail for example, or simply chose not to add some facts... would i not be honest here??? i still am...
the double, triple standards are for people who honesty, integrity, kindness are deleted from their vocabulary...
ok Romana.. I dont find anything self contradictory in what you said so I'll go along with this :)
I think I drifted off my point, being that the soul is one.. cause I believe what allah swt said about a human not having 2 hearts in their depth... I need to think about it more :)
Well I think the desktop is nice it says, to me, that you have taste for colors and your a peaceful simple person, thoughtful, your a thinker but you don't show it :).
a very late comment but I though ok whatever since you didn't post anything new let me tell you what I think well this background reminds me of my sister because she has the same background on her computer and I went and asked her why you don't change it she said wallahi ma3ndeesh khloog in3'ayirha o khlas so is this the same with you or what :P
Maysoon i think it either shows that your computer is new or that you have no baskola for it except work and internet LOL :)
ohh Mani, inta o ta3lee9at il mo7beta! lol just kidding..
i loved it, those 2 colors are of my favourites...
and here's what i think: it shows that u are a feminie girl, sweet, o most of the time hadya and passive, but the contrast in colors, the background color that is containing the mauve flower , is also a part of u, something deep, something emmm whats the word, different to the everyday state you are in... for ex, u're sweet on daily basis, bs if sthg crossed ur lines, u'll show them sthg else... hmm ta7'reef fi ta7'reef... looool
Its actually VERY sweet and beautiful which reflect your personality :) and the colors are of calmness and serenity :) again which i think are intertwined within you
LOL @ no baskola yah if there is no internet I hardly use the pc..lool
Romana thanks hun lol although I am not sure if I am feminine..lol my teenage nickname was 3ashoor..lool
Ahmed.. sneaky :op..lol
Ppl say that I am calm, I am surpirsed..lol cuz growing up I wasn't so :o) am I getting older! oh God..!!..lol
Maysoooon, reply reply reply! loool its gonna be 2:30 soon, still didnot decide! sent u an email...check check check lool
hehehe 3ashoor, hmmm, i was a tomboy when i was growin up too...does every girl go thru that, or just every 'libyan' girl?
its girly, its nice :o)
I expected a picture of Meral though
the word tomboy is a good indicator of how we have been taught to think about things...
i mean. girls are human beings too.. and in their younger ages like young boys they too are full of energy creativity and everything else.. they wanna climb trees and be adventurous etc etc..so why shouldn't they do these things and still make claim to their femininity...
why do boys gotta hog all the exciting stuff it beats me.
LOOL Romana I replied :oD
AL, I tried couple of times to put Meral's picture but it came up not looking good, I think it is the resolution or quality of the pictures!! but I have lots of Meral for the screen saver :o)
Mani I love you bro..lol that is it.. what's important is that we had lots of fun and acted our ages :o)
dont know i guess Mani its cos we live in a close-minded society, that regards a girl who is active borrowing male qualities... its sad!
but i was a tomboy for real, wanted to have fights, and always in baggy pants and t-shirts, believe it or not, till grade 10 i used to shop from guys' clothing departments! lool
anglo libyan, i was reading ur comment, and this thought came up, why are always parents expected to include their children everywhere and everything, its as if they dissolve into their lives, and not have one their own.. dont get my wrong, i am a female, i have those instincts, i have a baby girl on my blog as well who is my friend's sister, but u said "I expected a picture of Meral though".. is that how it becomes? u actually GIVE UP ur life?
Romana you say you were a tomboy for real..
does that mean u wanted to be IDENTIFIED as a boy?
or does it just mean that what boys did and wore just appealed to you and OTHERS indentified you as a boy?
ill wait for your answer before I know where Im heading with this
but on another note, regardless of our grievances with all culture and tradition (which usually starts as a way of making things easy then people complicate it and it ends up making life difficult) I personally reject saying things like closeminded society... as a label it brings up only resentment from a society that we live in or our deceives us into thinking that we are separate..
consider... almost EVERY SINGLE Libyan I have spoken to all my life says that over and over.. 'these closed minded libyans'.. everyone.. from their good to their rotten.. from their corrupt to their angelic.. from heir 'religious' to their '3asy'... from their doctor to the taxi and iveco driver...
its a useless term.. cause it seems that everyone in the country uses it and knows what it means and complains of 'others' who are not as open minded.. and everyone seems to have forgotten that its composed of two words.. open.. and minded...
and when its just a label.. open minded will slowly deform to man all thats 'open'...
and no one knows where the 'minded' has gone to..
Very deep Mani, ur analysis... but i personally don’t reject it, its a matter of opinion, and i respect yours, i personally don’t agree.
and here's why, i didnot base my "label" because its a common word, and its the easiest word to be used to describe what we are in, no, its because this conclusion came through experience, and what experience do i have you might think, but every age has its conclusions.
Close-minded in respect to: education, behaviour, morals, reactions, and I've unfortunately come up to see that all those mentioned traits are on a graph paper on a slope sinking below the minus sign...
You are right, it is unfair to include all people as whole in this category, but dont people usually take the majority of everything? However I personally wont be offended if someone did call me close-minded as a statistic to the majority of the population, because I simply can prove I am not.everyone has got themselves to prove whether they are or they arenot, but as whole, I do say we live in a close-minded society.
As for ur 1st lines, no, boys’ clothing appealed to me, and I was a tomboy by actions, I wasn’t identified as one, no, that’s now how it was. It was just a phase that I went through…
Its actually funny,reflecting on it now! Lol
I agree with you wholeheartedly ya Romana :). I use the 'label' too and like you I believe that we DO live in a 'closed-minded' society.. of which we all are a vital part.
My point was just on the usefulness of the term when we use it to speak to others, especially if I and other 'open-minded' people were to consider ourselves as agents of 'positive' change in our society.
we would also need to understand what we mean when we say useful..
some may find the term useful to identify themselves as separate from a closed minded society, which implicitly means superiority. It's useful here too..for one's ego... these people do not really consider themselves as agents for positive change in their society, rather personal perceived 'positive' change. but this is not a use that interests me.
what I am interested in is bringing the word 'Mind' back into the equation of 'open-mind'.
The measure of usefulnness for me is the extent to which another person (whom I consider as closed minded) and me personally (considering myself as open minded.. almost arrogantly) can both come to an undersanding of how we can truly open our minds, WITHOUT provoking the inferiority complexes and insecurities that will be the result of someone who begins to feel that they are inferior while I am superior.
its a hard struggle.. power (being superior or inferior, and its impact on the emotions and feeligs of people) is at he root of all things...
so again.. I wasn't saying that its unfair to generalise (although it is very unfair).. all i said was that if most people say it and if everyone does agree we live in a closed minded society then we are left with 2 conclusions:
- either people are mostly open minded cause they use the term and know what it means.
- or people are mostly telling fibs, and are closed minded cause they use a term which they cant comprehend a meaning for.
we have nothing to prove to anyone Ya Romana, except to Allah swt. Our reason is his claim for us and against us on judgment day.
I apologize if I gave u a negative impression its not my intent.. it does happen to me a lot with people who think that I am overgeneralizing and including them too in that generalization.. I wholeheartedly don't intend to.. it just comes from a sincere wish to forsake the personal for the sake of the bigger picture.
Salam sister :)
as for our initial questions.. seems funny that you weren't identified as one then yet now you do eh?? :)
haha yea it is... cos when i look back now, and compare my behaviour, i say i was a tomboy, but when i said im identified as one, as in ppl didnt think i was one, i only thought i was one, lol.. but still funny!
YUP!.. which is why I said earlier:
"the word tomboy is a good indicator of how we have been taught to think about things..."
romana, I have my kids pictures on both work & home computers and on my mobile phone.
of course parents are not expected to do that but perhaps you would understand it more once you are a mum yourself :o)
the truth parents do give up most things for the sake of their children and I only said to Maysoon I expected a pic of Meral because Maysoon is like me, always involves her child in what ever she writes but I agree with you that perhaps I should rey something different :o)
sorry Maysoon for taking up ur desktop post space.. I havent had written discussions in aaaaaaaaaages :)
anglo Libyan, i hope i didnot offend you. all i was trying to say whether or not the mom and dad are their own individual selves as well... not just mom and dad...
i know i will be like that as well, but i was thinking to myself, am i going to forget about my in the process? am i going to be the mother, the provider, the nurturer, the wife, which is all a previledge... and i do realize that once i take the decision of getting married and having kids, i will be giving up something... but is this a human-made rule, is it a necissity? that's all...
romana, no offence taken at all :o)
I dont think its a necessity, its just a feeling that most parents get once they have kids, you always want the best for them and sometimes you forget yourself in the process but you always feel happy as long as the kids are happy, they come first.
im sorry, i missed your reply...
I want to consider myself as someone who wants to better my country and society; i honestly care for Libya’s welfare...
i think we both have seen our share of "close-minded" and i loved this part " what I am interested in is bringing the word 'Mind' back into the equation of 'open-mind'." and u r making so much sense, as opposing to some fake self-oriented "open-minded" people, i honestly believe just as u wrote, that they are probably too consumed with the terminology of open-mindedness that they actually become oblivious to its meaning.
but an open-minded person wouldn’t call himself as such, people will identify him as one, its the close-minded ones that are hogging the word no? and again as u mentioned, it is mostly for the sole feeling of superiority… but how can they superior to something they don’t acquire?
I believe there was some sort of miscommunication; I apologize for not reading deeper in to ur words, as I thought we weren’t sharing the same concept… but apparently we’re on the same page…
I enjoyed your well-written point of view, its very rare to see someone utilizing words to their benefit the way you do…
Makes me proud…
But do u honestly think Libya has a chance?
Anglo Libyan, trust me, i totally understand... im experiencing this myself, not quite ofcourse, im the eldest of 4...i love them all very much, i want to provide for them everything, despite the fact that my parents are providing everything they ask for, but its become such an obligation, that when i don’t provide for them what they want, it kills me...
im working right now to develop myself, but also to help out my parents a little, i want them not to worry anymore, i want them to take a break...they've been providing, caring, spending, all our lives, i want to lessen their burden, Anglo Libyan i know it comes with the package, because i know the feeling of responsibility , i know how happy, no no not happy, aesthetic you get when your children are happy, same with my sisters and brother... but at the same time, it is so hectic.
the difference is the degree of obligation, they are your kids, those are my siblings, they always have my parents...im going off sooner or later…
i do understand :) thank you so much for taking your time, to share your point of view...i appreciate it very much...
romana, Allah bless you and bless your family :o)
Thank you so much, i hope i didnot bore you with all of this...
Allah bless you and your family as well, i never meant it so much as i mean it now...
Have a lovely weekend...
اوكي: انتي انسانة هادئة وناعمه ومتمرده
وفيك نوع من الغموض
عندك شيء في شخصيتك غير واضح ..
اما يا أحمد كيبورد اختي حاجة غريبة لا فيه كيف نصور سطح المكتب ولا شيء
مبهاك ياجهاز حوشنااااااااااااااااا
المهم خديت صورة بالكميرا ويعني مش واضحة اوي توا بنحطها في بلوقريي
Thank you romana sis.. I kinda had a feeling we were on the same page since ur first ever comment on my post, so no fear :)
Do I honestly think Libya has a chance? :)
what do you think? :)
Salam Maysoon,
I have the same desktop picture, so I believe it says GREAT things about us. :-P Beyond words even. :o)
As for the word tomboy, I'd like to know who came up with that stupid expression. Girls are girls and boys are boys regardless how they play.
I'd also like to know where the term 3rd world country came from. What happened to the 2nd world country? Does that just know have enough of a ring to it to make it valid? Does removing the term 2nd world country from the equation intensive then meaning and separation between the countries? Are we not all on the same planet? I may have missed something along the way, and for good cause. ;-)
غدوة مروحه لطرابلس
What do i think? Honestly? I dont think it has a chance... people's minds deteriorating by the second Mani, and its just plain sad... trust me,all this from experience, i went to Nasser university, and for a moment there i thought there was a chance, that maybe education will expand their visions and thoughts, even a little, but to no avail! they're not there to learn, most are there to check out girls, cuss and curse them, or just BE! i've studied there for 4 years, and each year the level of morals is degrading, it reached and extent where one of the nubies grabbed my friend's crotch and emm, sorry for the words, breasts... how violating is that? see where i get my ideas?
I hope that some sort of awarness will brought up in schools, home, anywhere, just to let this nightmare end...
now What Do YOU think??
I think your question sounds more like a prayer :)
and you know who prayers are to be directed to..
from our end.. we should do all we can. at the end of the day.. I dont care much about people.. but I care a lot about Jannah..
seems to me like that would be the only reason someone could ever have will to do good, when they see life as humiliating and degrading as you saw it..
hmm it does sound like a prayer... Well as u said, 'Jannah'.. we're all trying.. :)
yes some of us are.. but not all...deffo not all..
if all.. we woulnt be where we are. impossible..
most claim to be "trying" Mani.. but yea,u have a point.. then again each sees life their own way..
most people claim what they are not.. right?? isnt that what you said oo abou people calling themselves open minded.. but arent really...
we will only have hope in libya if we can have enough courage to face up to our own hypocracy..
Mani, do u belive that everything is linked together? one topic with another, one opinion with another? its not always like that...
until we face our own hypocracy... sa7 :)
yes i do Romana.. how many souls does a human being have? :)
hey messo shenjaw?
u know me i have to play the " devil's advocate" and disagree with everyone else who sugar coated the truth for ya!
the wallpaper is simply AWFUL and u need serious intervention, to be honest im not big on flowers thats why its seems simply Awful to me lol :)
bs anyways " le nas fema ya3shkon madheb"!!
how is meral?
جينا للحر والرطوبة
كيف ااحالللللللللل
one soul Mani, but different personalities..
I am a daughter to my parents, im a sister to my siblngs, a friend to my friends, i will be a wife to someone, a colleague at work, a stranger to everyone else... and all are one soul, but each relationship requires a level of difference... no?
yes absolutely.. but dont u treat them all based on the same principles of living.. kindness.. honesty.. etc??..
ofcourse Mani... those are the basics to my foundation, :) but i do treat each differently... the level of respect for each different, i do respect them all with different degrees,the love for my parents, is different from my love for my sisters, or my friends, or a guy for ex...
i get what u're tryin to say... but i did say "level of difference"...
yes I get what you mean.. same principles butthere sill is a 'leve of difference'...
II do the same when 'mannersisms' are the question.
but isn being honest with one and less honest with another. and dishonest with anoher.. double standards?... or even treble standards? :)
wow spelling sucked there..
the T* in this keyboard needs fixing
hehehe, y would be double standards??? some ppl dont require complete honesty with them,because the level of acquaintance isnt on the close scale... holding back info, is different from lieing... it is who u chose to tell and not to tell... and what to tell...
like chosing to tell someone about my feelings, i can be honest with u, completely, and i can tell my sister the same thing, but not as much detail for example, or simply chose not to add some facts... would i not be honest here???
i still am...
the double, triple standards are for people who honesty, integrity, kindness are deleted from their vocabulary...
but with us, its only a matter of levels.. :)
ok Romana.. I dont find anything self contradictory in what you said so I'll go along with this :)
I think I drifted off my point, being that the soul is one.. cause I believe what allah swt said about a human not having 2 hearts in their depth... I need to think about it more :)
thank you, salam sis
MaySooN ya bent alnasssssssssss
MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN
MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN MaySooN \ty weinek altef ya raby I miss you ya bent:d
all of this talk going on, WHERE WAS I???? sleeping maybe!!! Zzzz...lol good to see everyone up and giddy..lol
Well I think the desktop is nice it says, to me, that you have taste for colors and your a peaceful simple person, thoughtful, your a thinker but you don't show it :).
Hows meral doing by the way ?
a very late comment but I though ok whatever since you didn't post anything new let me tell you what I think
well this background reminds me of my sister because she has the same background on her computer and I went and asked her why you don't change it she said wallahi ma3ndeesh khloog in3'ayirha o khlas
so is this the same with you or what :P
all backgrounds are distracting to me, so i chose no image, and coloured the background black, so relieving for the eye.
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